Mar 19, 2005


March 17, 2005 | 7:00 pm EST


Choice will galvanize opposition to the World Bank

Washington, DC -- Anarchist economists with the Inter-American Anti-Development Bank today endorsed Paul Wolfowitz as the new president of the World Bank. At a time when the World Bank is enjoying an improved image as a so-called poverty reduction organization, Wolfowitz will help restore the Bank's image as an international purveyor of unrestricted capitalism and predatory imperialism. For too long the World Bank has been restrained by wussy neoliberal policies. Under Wolfowitz's tutelage we can expect to see a pumped-up Neo-World Bank which will rely on state power instead of "free markets" to maintain American economic hegemony around the globe.

Paul Wolfowitz brings an incredible international development resume to the Bank. In his current stint as Assistant Secretary of Defense, Wolfowitz led American development efforts in Iraq. Under Wolfowitz's watch, Iraq moved from a country which had been bombed back to the Stone Age to a country that has been bombed back to the Bronze Age. Wolfowitz also led efforts to wean Iraqis from their dependency on an oil-based economy. Thanks to oil shortages and power blackouts, ordinary Iraqis are moving towards sustainable lifestyles similar to programs promoted by the World Bank. Wolfowitz also helped Iraq develop population control measures via an innovative exchange program with the American military-industrial complex.

Wolfowitz also brings an internationally known sense of fashion and style to the Bank at a time when its image has been improving. Unlike out-of-fashion pop stars such as U2 frontman Bono, Paul Wolfowitz has pioneered new grooming and fashion techniques that will help him put the true face on the World Bank's policies.

IAADB executive president, Karen Elliot, said of Wolfowitz's qualifications, "Who better to represent a pack of wolves than one of the top alpha wolves? We welcome Mr. Wolfowitz's nomination and the future damage that he will inflict on the World Bank."

Inter-American Anti-Development Bank
Contact: Luther Blissetti
1350 New York Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20577 USA
Phone: (202) 623-3900
Fax: (202) 623-2360

Torture by Proxy

March 8, 2005
Torture by Proxy

One of the biggest nonsecrets in Washington these days is the Central Intelligence Agency's top-secret program for sending terrorism suspects to countries where concern for human rights and the rule of law don't pose obstacles to torturing prisoners. For months, the Bush administration has refused to comment on these operations, which make the United States the partner of some of the world's most repressive regimes.

But a senior official talked about it to The Times's Douglas Jehl and David Johnston, saying he wanted to rebut assertions that the United States was putting prisoners in the hands of outlaw regimes for the specific purpose of having someone else torture them. Sadly, his explanation, reported on Sunday, simply confirmed that the Bush administration has been outsourcing torture and intends to keep doing it.

For years before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the C.I.A. had occasionally engaged in the practice known in bureaucratese by the creepy euphemism "extraordinary rendition." But after the attacks in New York and Washington, President Bush gave the agency broad authority to export prisoners without getting permission from the White House or the Justice Department. Rendition has become central to antiterrorism operations at the C.I.A., which also operates clandestine camps around the world for prisoners it doesn't want the International Red Cross or the American public to know about.

According to the Times article, the C.I.A. has flown 100 to 150 suspected terrorists to countries like Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Pakistan - each a habitual offender when it comes to torture. It's against American law and international convention to send prisoners to any nation where they are likely to be tortured, so the official said no prisoner is sent to another country without assurances from that government that they will be treated humanely. He said that C.I.A. officials "check on those assurances, and we double-check."

Those assurances are worthless, and the Bush administration surely knows it. In normal times, the governments of these countries have abysmal standards for human rights and humane treatment, and would have no problem promising that a prisoner won't be tortured - right before he's tortured. And these are not normal times. The Bush administration has long since made it clear that it will tolerate torture, even by men and women in American uniforms. And why send prisoners to places like Syria and Saudi Arabia, if not for the brutal treatment Americans are supposed to abhor? The senior official said it saved manpower and money, compared with keeping them in the United States or at American-run prisons abroad. The idea that this is a productivity initiative would be comical if the issue were not so tragically serious.

No rational person would deny the need to hunt down terrorists, to try to extract lifesaving information from them and to punish them, legally. But the C.I.A. has sent prisoners to countries where they were tortured for months and then either disappeared or were released because they knew nothing. The guilty ones can never be brought to justice - not after they have been illegally imprisoned and even tortured.

American officials have offered pretzel logic to defend these practices. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has said that if the United States sends a prisoner abroad, then our nation's constitution no longer applies.

This is just the sort of thinking that led to the horrible abuses at prisons in Iraq, where the Army is now holding more Iraqi prisoners than ever: nearly 9,000. The military says it's doing a better job of screening these prisoners than in the days when a vast majority of Iraqi prisoners were, in fact, innocent of any wrongdoing. But there is still a shortage of translators to question prisoners, the jails are dangerously overcrowded, and there's never been a full and honest public accounting of the rules the American prison guards now follow.

Let's be clear about this: Any prisoner of the United States is protected by American values. That cannot be changed by sending him to another country and pretending not to notice that he's being tortured.

Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company

-- NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available to advance understanding of political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107

"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake." --Thomas Jefferson

Prohibition Funds Terrorism

Mar 18, 2005

Gordon Campbell on Punisher TShirt @ Wal Mart

This picture has not been altered. I snapped a photo.... that's it. I saw this T-Shirt for sale at the Wal Mart in Vernon... I did a double take... laughed my head off... then promptly bought one. The shirt is a genuine "MARVEL®" Punisher t-shirt, as the label says : assembled in Mexico on US fabric.Yes, it's the Gordon Campbell Mug shot. I'm not sure what kind of distribution these shirts got but I'd suspect they are at all Wal Marts

Mar 17, 2005

CBC News: Hells Angels store opens on P.E.I.

Now, if only the government realized that the policy of Prohibition is the real cause of the billions of dollars that continue to be made on the black market.


Hells Angels store opens on P.E.I.
Last Updated Thu, 17 Mar 2005 08:50:27 EST
CBC News

CHARLOTTETOWN - The Hells Angels motorcycle gang has set up shop on Prince Edward Island, leading police to warn that patronizing the new store amounts to supporting organized crime.


Mar 16, 2005

The White House Fakes It

The White House Fakes It

Continued violence in Iraq, a struggling economy, an unpopular plan to privatize Social Security, homeland security left underfunded while the rich get giant tax cuts … what's a White House to do when the news about its policies isn't favorable? Fake it. An explosive, front-page New York Times story this weekend exposes President Bush's vast manipulation of the media and White House attempts to manipulate public opinion. Over the past four years, it turns out at least 20 different federal agencies have been involved in producing hundreds – yes, hundreds – of fake TV news segments, many of which were 'subsequently broadcast on local stations across the country without any acknowledgement of the government's role in their production.' In fact, since President Bush took office, the White House has spent at least $254 million on these fake segments and other public relations ploys to spread positive propaganda about his policies. President Bush has paid lip service to the concept of a free press, saying in January 2005, 'there needs to be a nice, independent relationship between the White House and the press, the administration and the press.' He also claimed 'our agenda ought to be able to stand on its own two feet.' Here's what happens when it can't:"


Mar 15, 2005

Italy announces Iraq troop withdrawal

Last Updated Tue, 15 Mar 2005 21:19:34 EST
CBC News

ROME - Italy will start withdrawing its 3,000 troops from Iraq starting this September, announced Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi on a television show.

Berlusconi said on Tuesday that his country will start a 'progressive reduction' of troops. He said he had already spoken with British Prime Minister Tony Blair about the action."


Iraq Veterans Against the War

Iraq Veterans Against the

: "National Anti-War Rally and IVAW Meeting March 19th and 20th, 2005

Fayetteville, North Carolina

Join us in the home of Fort Bragg for a weekend of networking, training, and raising our voices to demand real support for our troops by bringing them home now.

Saturday, March 19th - Rally and Speakout on 2nd Anniversary of Iraq Invasion. For more info, check out NC Peace & Justice Coalition.

Sunday, March 20th - IVAW National Meeting This will be an opportunity for all recent veterans, active duty service men and women, national guard members, and reservists who oppose this war to meet and learn the skills we'll need to end this war and Bring Them Home Now. Workshop topics include: the VA, Public Speaking, Organizing Skills, GI Oppostition during the Vietnam War. Financial assistance is available for those in need.

For more info, email or call: (215) 241-7123. "

Mar 13, 2005

Looting at Weapons Plants Was Systematic, Iraqi Says

Lest we forget, the only place where guards were posted was the Ministry of Oil.
How anyone could embarrass themselves by sticking to the claim that it was all about "freedom" , WMD's and the horrors of Saddam Hussein's regime simply astounds me.

Looting at Weapons Plants Was Systematic, Iraqi Says

Published: March 13, 2005

BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 12 - In the weeks after Baghdad fell in April 2003, looters systematically dismantled and removed tons of machinery from Saddam Hussein's most important weapons installations, including some with high-precision equipment capable of making parts for nuclear arms, a senior Iraqi official said this week in the government's first extensive comments on the looting."

Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself------Broadcasting Services

Broadcasting Services

The Office of Broadcast Services (OBS) supports the foreign affairs communication mission of the U.S. Department of State by providing international TV pool coverage of events involving the President, Secretary of State, and principal spokespersons; by producing broadcast television coverage of current events in the U.S. and worldwide that present U.S. policies; by producing special events programs, documentaries, VNRs, and interactive dialogues; and by acquiring programming for TV placement by American embassies and directly to broadcasters via the American Embassy TV Network."