Feb 13, 2005

When Sexuality Undercuts A Family's Ties (washingtonpost.com)

More like "When The Right-Wing Eats Its' Own Young"

"When Sexuality Undercuts A Family's Ties

By Marc Fisher
Sunday, February 13, 2005; Page C01

Maya Keyes loves her father and mother. She put off college and moved from the family home in Darnestown to Chicago to be with her dad on a grand adventure. Even though she disagrees with him on 'almost everything' political, she worked hard for his quixotic and losing campaign for the U.S. Senate.

Now Maya Keyes -- liberal, lesbian and a little lost -- finds herself out on her own. She says her parents -- conservative commentator and perennial candidate Alan Keyes and his wife, Jocelyn -- threw her out of their house, refused to pay her college tuition and stopped speaking to her."


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