Mar 27, 2005

Panel Ignored Evidence on Detainee (

I believe what we are seeing now is a military tribunal at Gitmo that is accutely aware of the potential for their names and careers to be sewered by involvement in the growing controversy surrounding this administrations use of torture. For this reason, they are desperate to find guilt, even where none exists, so as to give a more favorable background against which history can view their actions once this administration is exposed for the tyranny it is.

Panel Ignored Evidence on Detainee
U.S. Military Intelligence, German Authorities Found No Ties to Terrorists

By Carol D. Leonnig
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 27, 2005

A military tribunal determined last fall that Murat Kurnaz, a German national seized in Pakistan in 2001, was a member of al Qaeda and an enemy combatant whom the government could detain indefinitely at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The three military officers on the panel, whose identities are kept secret, said in papers filed in federal court that they reached their conclusion based largely on classified evidence that was too sensitive to release to the public. Murat Kurnaz, 23, has been held at Guantanamo Bay since at least January 2002. (Hurriyet Via AP)

In fact, that evidence, recently declassified and obtained by The Washington Post, shows that U.S. military intelligence and German law enforcement authorities had largely concluded there was no information that linked Kurnaz to al Qaeda, any other terrorist organization or terrorist activities."

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