Venezuela In US Gun-Sights ?
April 28, 2005
Dear Colleague,
In the Narcosphere today, frequent Narco News contributor Sean Donahue
looks at recent statements from Washington and wonders, "Will Colombia
be the proxy in a U.S attack on Venezuela?"
Donahue argues:
"Colombia appears to be the United States' one ally against Chavez --
and the U.S. is showing signs of a desire to use Colombia as a proxy to
contain or topple Venezuela's government. Hector Mondragon noted in a
commentary three years ago that the bill passed by the U.S. Congress
authorizing the transfer of U.S. military aid to Colombia from the 'war
on drugs' to the 'war on terror' also allowed the use of U.S. military
aid to combat 'any other threat to Colombia's security.' At the time
Mondragon suggested that this was an allusion to Venezuela.
"On Tuesday, just before Condoleezza Rice arrived in Colombia, the
Colombian defense ministry leaked a report on Venezuela's growing
military strength to the international press, according to Reuters'
Hugh Bronstein. The memo claims that 'It is an undeniable fact that the
rearming of Venezuela deepens the military imbalance in the Andean
region,' -- words that seem designed to bolster a claim that Venezuela
is a threat to Colombia."
Read the entire post, and comment in the Narcosphere:
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