Comments London Bombing
Some comments on the bombings in London.....many of them right on.
It's really sickening how most of the media here tend to accept Blair's
absurd view, echoing Bush's about 9/11, that they are irrational and
want to impose their beliefs on us.
I managed to get this read out on Radio London:
Ted Welch
when am I going to hear this kind of Londoner's view, not from a
middle-class liberal, but an older cockney guy in a pub near Wembley:
"It's terrible. But, to be fair, we had it coming. What do you expect
when you invade someone country and kick the shit out of them.?"
You have admitted you were conned by Blair about WMD, which Blair
claimed created a terrorist threat. It was a lie - there were no WMD
and Blair was warned by the intelligence services that attacking Iraq
would create a greater terrorist threat. His attempt to escape blame by
claiming it was an attack on all civilised countries is ludicrous - but
the media repeated it endlessly without laughing out loud.
Jon Gaunt the presenter, then responded by echoing the government line:
9/11 happened before the attack on Iraq. He didn't read out my reply:
you replied to me on-air, please read my reply - because you've been
conned again.
You've been conned by the line (repeated by Jack Straw last night)
that 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq. Yes, but Bin Laden made
it clear that it was because of US forces in the Middle East after the
Gulf War, in Saudi Arabia, etc. So it clearly makes no sense and
invites further attacks, like the one on London, if you then attack
Iraq and have even more US and now British forces in another Islamic
Cf. Robert Fisk in today's Independent:
"If you bomb our cities," Osama bin Laden said in one of his recent
video tapes, "we will bomb yours." There you go, as they say. It was
crystal clear Britain would be a target ever since Tony Blair decided
to join George Bush's "war on terror" and his invasion of Iraq. We had,
as they say, been warned. The G8 summit was obviously chosen, well in
advance, as Attack Day.
And it's no use Mr Blair telling us yesterday that "they will never
succeed in destroying what we hold dear". "They" are not trying to
destroy "what we hold dear". They are trying to get public opinion to
force Blair to withdraw from Iraq, from his alliance with the United
States, and from his adherence to Bush's policies in the Middle East.
The Spanish paid the price for their support for Bush - and Spain's
subsequent retreat from Iraq proved that the Madrid bombings achieved
their objectives - while the Australians were made to suffer in Bali.
It is easy for Tony Blair to call yesterdays bombings "barbaric" - of
course they were - but what were the civilian deaths of the
Anglo-American invasion of Iraq in 2003, the children torn apart by
cluster bombs, the countless innocent Iraqis gunned down at American
military checkpoints? When they die, it is "collateral damage"; when
"we" die, it is "barbaric terrorism".
If we are fighting insurgency in Iraq, what makes us believe insurgency
won't come to us? One thing is certain: if Tony Blair really believes
that by "fighting terrorism" in Iraq we could more efficiently protect
Britain - fight them there rather than let them come here, as Bush
constantly says - this argument is no longer valid.
Don't believe all this stuff about the calm, heroic Londoners - there
are criminals and idiots here like anywhere. Already mainstream,
peaceful Muslim organizations here have received thousands of hate
emails and there have been some attacks, including a petrol bomb.
Ted Welch
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