Sep 29, 2005

Bill Bennett: "[Y]ou could abort every black baby .....

How sick is sick? Mycos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Bill Bennett: '[Y]ou could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down'" Audio file here.....

1 comment:

Mycos said...

I feel he added the rest as pure window dressing after realizing that his tongue had gotten out in front of him. The point being that his comment betrays an underlying racism. Consider this. No matter which ethnic group, be they white or whatever, if the population of them is less, then there'll be less crime being committed by them. This theory is precisely the rationale behind virtually every attempt at genocide the world has ever seen. But this simple fact seems to escape Bennett. Why? Because he is racist at a gbut level, although he himself surely does not think that he is one. But it's these little betrayals of the tongue that expose them.

"By his own words, he shall be exposed"

Besides, the guy has said and done so many other downright creepy things, he deserves to be nailed to the wall at any opportunity.... hehehe
