Religion and Violence
Religion and Violence: "A recent report by the Defence Science Board of the Pentagon revealed that; “Muslims do not 'hate our freedom,' but rather, they hate our policies. The overwhelming majority voice their objections to what they see as one-sided support in favour of Israel against Palestinian rights, and the long-standing even increasing support for what Muslims collectively sees as tyrannies, most notably Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Pakistan, and the Gulf states”. It is these U.S.-sponsored tyrannies and the unfair exploitation of the region’s oil resources – by Western corporations – that contributed to the emergence of political resistance movements against Western domination and imperialism."
Can't make up your lefty traitor mind, eh? First the Pentagon can't get anything right, and now, when they say what you want, they're the source of wisdom.
But President Bush has it right, just like he always does. They DO hate us, they hate our freedom, they hate our religion, they hate our way of life. They're infidels, they're going to hell, and it's our job to send them there. And we're throwing in liberals and traitors too... call it a bonus..
Yeah, I'm sure that God speaks to George directly, and that's why he gets everything right. And if you believe that, I've got some swampland......
Stands to reason a liberal traitor would be dealing in swampland....
But the President doesn't NEED to get his instructions directly from God; he's quite capable of seeing what needs to be done himself.... and unlike BJ Clinton or that pansy Gore or Mr. FlipFlop Kerry, President Bush is enough of a man to get it done.
But the liberals can't be expected to understand that.
Let me guess. You get your facts from FOX news?
Regardless, Those of us who take the time to understand the facts of the situation, rather than take Bush at his word are going to have the final say on this sad chapter in American history just as soon as this house of cards collapses.
There will be a time coming soon when you will be too embarrased to admit that you ever even said, nevertheless actually believed, the tripe you are now passing on as fact. For your children, please change your tune now. They're going to have to live with the devastation that you and other fools have so blindly allowed these ivy-league robber barons to bring down upon the world.
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