Nov 2, 2006

Uncivil Wars: David Horowitz Capitulates To His Racial Impulses

FrontPage :Uncivil Warriors : To give the reader an idea of how extreme Whorowitz is, I'll paraphrase some of his own attack on a man who likely represents everything that he thinks is wrong in America -- a black Harvard professor. "The statement that Ogletree said America is responsible for every statistical deficit experienced by African Americans and that these oppressions are as evident today as they were more than three hundred years ago, would seem to qualify as a lie. Well. Contrary to Zerowits statement that the United States did not inflict 350 years of suffering on blacks, the fact that slaves were here long before the first slave auction in 1655 leaves little doubt that the history of America has always included the specter of slavery. To try and blame pre-Revolutionary War slavery on the British is a disingenuous game of semantics. Using the Limpwitz revision technique of historical interpretation, the British or also the authors of the Constitution! But it gets worse. "The United States was created only 226 years ago and slavery existed for only 78 years from the signing of the Constitution to the emancipation. To include in this indictment, as Ogletree does, the two centuries when slavery was an institution of the British empire, betrays an astonishing indifference to political events (like war and revolution) and to political principles, and indicates instead an animus against all the non-black inhabitants of this continent that one can reasonably conclude is racial. If drawing this conclusion is 'overstatement,' so be it" Overstatement? That's a nonsense statement! WTF is our little fascist-wannabe trying to say here? That Britain ruled America for 200 of the last 350 years? To make such an inference then turn around and blame Ogletree for it is to leave absolutely no doubt about the racist intentions of our little right-wing whore. Clearly he is lacking in many areas of social development, but I'm certain a little "tune-up", a lesson that will he will never forget would be one that we can all benefit greatly from.

Revealed: U.S. Soldier Killed Herself After Objecting to Interrogation Techniques

Revealed: U.S. Soldier Killed Herself After Objecting to Interrogation Techniques: "Revealed: U.S. Soldier Killed Herself After Objecting to Interrogation Techniques The true stories of how American troops, killed in Iraq, actually died keep spilling out this week. Now we learn, thanks to a reporter's FOIA request, that one of the first women to die in Iraq shot and killed herself after objecting to harsh 'interrogation techniques.' By Greg Mitchell (November 01, 2006) -- The true stories of how American troops, killed in Iraq, actually died keep spilling out this week. On Tuesday, we explored the case of Kenny Stanton, Jr., murdered last month by our allies, the Iraqi police, though the military didn’t make that known at the time. Now we learn that one of the first female soldiers killed in Iraq died by her own hand after objecting to interrogation techniques used on prisoners. She was Army specialist Alyssa Peterson, 27, a Flagstaff, Az., native serving with C Company, 311th Military Intelligence BN, 101st Airborne. Peterson was an Arabic-speaking interrogator assigned to the prison at our air base in troubled Tal-Afar in northwestern Iraq. According to official records, she died on Sept. 15, 2003, from a “non-hostile weapons discharge.” She was only the third American woman killed in Iraq so her death..... cont

Nov 1, 2006

FAS Urges White House to exclude Nuclear Weapons From National Security Strategy in War on Terrorism - Federation of American Scientists

FAS Urges White House to exclude Nuclear Weapons From National Security Strategy in War on Terrorism - Federation of American Scientists: "Thursday, March 16, 2006 [Washington, DC - March 16] -- Strategic Security Experts Available for Interviews -- The new “National Security Strategy for the United States” published yesterday by the White House strengthens the role of nuclear weapons in preemptive military strikes against terrorists and hostile states armed with chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. In stronger language than used in the previous strategy from 2002, the new strategy speaks more directly about the importance of nuclear weapons and lumps them together with other military action in a preemption scenario. 'The National Security Strategy was the Bush administration's last opportunity to demonstrate that it has reduced the role of nuclear weapons after the Cold War,' said Hans M. Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). 'Instead it has chosen to reaffirm their importance and in the most troubling way possible: preemption.' Under the headline 'The Need for Action,' the new National Security Strategy says: ' Safe, credible, and reliable nuclear forces continue to play a critical role. We are strengthening deterrence by developing a New Triad composed of offensive strike systems (both nuclear"