Nov 27, 2004

Hypocrisy and the Holy Father

July 3, 2002 Hypocrisy and the Holy Father The Pope gracing Canada with his presence for World Youth Day in mid-July stirs memories of an earlier visit by his holiness almost 20 years ago. One of my memories is of a photo of a transvestite holding a sign along one of the Pope’s parade routes. It read “Just Another Guy in a Dress.” continued.......

CBC News: Afghan boy heads home with healthier heart

Forgive me while indulge in a littlwe of the Canadian version of nationalist propaganda Mycos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Afghan boy heads home with healthier heart Last Updated Fri, 26 Nov 2004 22:44:38 EST TORONTO - Djamshid Popal began his journey home Friday night, five months after the boy arrived in Canada from Afghanistan for emergency heart surgery. 'I'll miss the whole Canadian public,' Djamshid, who turned 10 during his time in Canada, said through a translator at Toronto's Pearson International Airport. 'I came in a wheelchair and I'm leaving on foot. This is because of their help.'"

Smoking while Iraq burns

Smoking while Iraq burns Its idolisation of 'the face of Falluja' shows how numb the US is to everyone's pain but its own Naomi Klein 11/27/04 'The Guardian ' -- Iconic images inspire love and hate, and so it is with the photograph of James Blake Miller, the 20-year-old marine from Appalachia, who has been christened 'the face of Falluja' by pro-war pundits, and the 'the Marlboro man' by pretty much everyone else. Reprinted in more than a hundred newspapers, the Los Angeles Times photograph shows Miller 'after more than 12 hours of nearly non-stop, deadly combat' in Falluja, his face coated in war paint, a bloody scratch on his nose, and a freshly lit cigarette hanging from his lips. Gazing lovingly at Miller, the CBS News anchor Dan Rather informed his viewers: 'For me, this one's personal. This is a warrior with his eyes on the far horizon, scanning for danger. See it. Study it. Absorb it. Think about it. Then take a deep breath of pride. And if your eyes don't dampen, you're a better man or woman than I.' A few days later, the LA Times declared that its photo had 'moved into the realm of the iconic'. In truth, the image just feels iconic because it is so laughably derivative: it's a straight-up rip-off of the most powerful icon in American advertising (the Marlboro man), which in turn imitated the brightest star ever created by Hollywood - John Wayne - who was himself channelling America's most powerful founding myth, the cowboy on the rugged frontier. It's like a song you feel you've heard a thousand times before - because you have. " continued.......

Nov 23, 2004

Bush On The Fly

SANTIAGO, Chile (via PLDT) — The 12th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders’ summit held here last weekend was not without its lighter moments. And some of the 3,000 journalists from all over the world who covered the summit, including members of the Philippine media, were witnesses to the slip-ups of the leaders of some of the most dynamic economies in the world.

Bush Fly Open At Summit

Yahoo! News - World Photos - AP

Funds for Atomic Bomb Research Cut From Spending Bill

What else has the Worm-Tongue been trying to get passed behind our backs? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Funds for Atomic Bomb Research Cut From Spending Bill By Walter Pincus Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, November 23, 2004; Page A06 Congress has eliminated the financing of research supported by President Bush into a new generation of nuclear weapons, including investigations into low-yield atomic bombs and an earth-penetrating warhead that could destroy weapons bunkers deep underground. The Bush administration called in 2002 for exploring new nuclear weapons that could deter a wide range of threats, including possible development of a warhead that could go after hardened, deeply buried targets, or lower-power bombs that could be used to destroy chemical or biological stockpiles without contaminating a wide area. But research on those programs was dropped from the $388 billion government-wide spending bill adopted Saturday, a rare instance in which the Republican-controlled Congress has gone against the president. The move slowly came to light over the weekend as details of the extensive measure became clear. Continued.....

Raw Story: RNC Chairman "nod" & National Feild Director Gurley are Gay

"Just hours after deleting his profile, RNC National Field Director Daniel Gurley admitted to Raw Story that DGCapitol was his handle on the male dating service and then tried to claim his name had been reused by someone else. Tuesday, November 16, 2004 Editor of Washington Blade puts Mehlman's Sexual Orientation on the Table. Chris Crain, editor of the Washington Blade has gone on line speculating about the sexual orientation of RNC Chairman-designate Ken Mehlman. The press in the nations capital considers Mehlman's private life relevant! One of my sources inside the Blade told me this piece was coming from Crain. While, I expected it to have something a little more "juicy" -- I will share with you how one very sharp attorney parses his words to make you believe he has no information. As a great American once said, "It depends on what your definition of 'is' is."...still developing and more news on the way! Gurley Admits: Yes that was my Screenname Just hours after deleting his profile, RNC National Field Director Daniel Gurley admitted to Raw Story that DGCapitol was his handle on the male dating service and then tried to claim his name had been reused by someone else. Nice try're a liar! --GAY.COM DOES NOT ALLOW SCREEN NAMES TO BE REUSED! COMPLETE STORY AT WWW.RAWSTORY.COM Here is the profile DAN GURLEY LIED to the press about. Here is the Profile Dan Gurley pulled down TODAY... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nov 21, 2004

6.11 The Iraqi Resistance Spreads

The Iraqi Resistance Spreads The Iraqi Resistance Spreads published November 16, 2004 © 2004 by Dahr Jamail and Salam T. While the US military says it now controls Fallujah and is simply “mopping up” what is left of the Iraqi resistance, over 400 soldiers wounded in the fighting have been flown out of Iraq to US air bases in Germany. As giant C-141 transport planes carrying wounded and maimed American soldiers roar over the Iraqi desert, armed men carrying rocket propelled grenades and kalashnikov machine guns roam freely in the streets of Mosul, the third largest city in Iraq. After the US military withdrew from inside Mosul, looters with mattresses tied to the tops of cars and pushing desks in wheelbarrows emptied the abandoned American base of its contents. The horrendous situation afflicting civilians in Fallujah, which the Iraqi Red Crescent Society refers to as a big disaster, didn’t seem to concern a contractor from India who works supplying US bases in Iraq. “One thing I feel is that in Fallujah, most of the insurgents are there and nobody bothered to clear them off,” he said, speaking on condition of anonymity, “So many innocent people were killed and no actions were taken.” He then added, “So one way is good to clear those insurgents.” Continued......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Salaam T. is in Baghdad. His name is being witheld for his own protection. Mycos