Jun 4, 2005

'Team Jesus Christ'

It's things like this that make a person wonder why the "Doomsday Clock" has disappeared from the public eye in recent years. After all, it is more relevant than it has ever been. The communists were at least rational. Religious zealots operate on "faith";meaning they need no proof of anything to start a war. As such, there is nothing more dangerous than having religious zealots with their finger on the nuclear button. The murderous actions of Osama bin Laden are proof of the extent zealots will go too. Why on earth would anyone tolerate those type of people in the White House.

"Be afraid. Be very afraid"


'Team Jesus Christ'
Saturday, June 4, 2005

THE REPORTS OF the religious climate at the Air Force Academy are unsettling: A chaplain instructs cadets to try to convert classmates by warning that they 'will burn in the fires of hell' if they do not accept Christ. During basic training, freshman cadets who decline to attend after-dinner chapel are marched back to their dormitories in 'heathen flights' organized by upperclassmen. A Jewish student is taunted as a Christ killer and told that the Holocaust was the just punishment for that offense. The academy's head football coach posts a banner in the locker room that proclaims, 'I am a Christian first and last. . . . I am a member of Team Jesus Christ.'"

Administration's offenses impeachable

War Criminals Occupy Whitehouse. Removal Justified By International Law.

Let's consider an item from the news of about two weeks ago:

By Robert Shetterly

06/02/05 'Bangor Daily News' - - A British citizen leaked a memo to London's Sunday Times. The memo was of the written account of a meeting that a man named Richard Dearlove had with the Bush administration in July 2002. Dearlove was the head of the England's MI-6, the equivalent of the CIA. On July 23, 2002, Dearlove briefed Tony Blair about the meeting. He said that Bush was determined to attack Iraq. He said that Bush knew that U.S. intelligence had no evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and no links to foreign terrorists, that there was no imminent danger to the U.S. from Iraq. But, since Bush was determined to go to war, 'Intelligence and facts are being fixed around the policy.' 'Fixed' means faked, manufactured, conjured, hyped - the product of whole cloth fabrication."


Jun 3, 2005

See No Evil?

This story is extremely disturbing. I also believe it can be used as a indicator about where the current "state of the union" re: might be.

Gary Williams

The Department of Homeland Security does not list right-wing domestic terrorists and terrorist groups on a document that appears to be an internal list of threats to the nation's security...[but it does]... list left-wing domestic groups, such as the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), as terrorist threats, but it does not mention anti-government groups, white supremacists and other radical right-wing movements, which have staged numerous terrorist attacks that have killed scores of Americans.


Jun 2, 2005

Washington Is the Source of Terror

Washington Is the Source of Terror

by Paul Craig Roberts

06/02/05 - - The U.S. government gave the slave trade a boost by offering money for al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters. Afghan and Pakistani warlords simply rounded up people who looked Arab or foreign and sold them to the Americans as captured fighters. The 'fighters' apparently included relief workers, refugees, and Arab businessmen. The tribunals looking into the classification of Guantanamo prisoners as 'enemy combatants' have uncovered numerous examples of hapless victims of a naive U.S. government too flush with money.

The Bush administration, of course, denies that it bought its detainees, as it denies everything. However, on May 31, 2005, Michelle Faul of the Associated Press reported that in March 2002, leaflets and broadcasts from helicopters in Afghanistan enticed Afghans to 'Hand over the Arabs and feed your families for a lifetime.' One leaflet said: 'You can receive millions of dollars. This is enough to take care of your family, your village, your tribe for the rest of your life, pay for livestock and doctors and school books and housing for all your people.'.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And a story that compliments that one nicely is the terrorist actions of the US government on a Canadian citizen.

Canada refused U.S. appeal to jail Arar :

06/02/05 "Globe and Mail"

"The Canadians said to the Americans, we have a Charter of Rights

. . . we don't have cause to arrest and press charges and put him in jail,"



An internal RCMP inquiry into the Arar affair has previously determined that the RCMP shared information about Mr. Arar with the FBI during the nearly two weeks that he was detained in New York in early October of 2002.

The Garvie Report also found that U.S. officials had asked the Mounties whether they had grounds to charge Mr. Arar.

Mr. Arar's legal team has long suspected that he was then sent to Syria because the Mounties could not promise to jail him in Canada. But no hint of this had emerged before in either public testimony at the inquiry or in the document record.

Lorne Waldman, Mr. Arar's lawyer, said Mr. De Bané's testimony revealed for the first time that the Mounties were aware of both the threat that Mr. Arar might be deported to Syria, and of the U.S. insistence that he could not be returned to Canada unless he were imprisoned here.

"We've never had evidence before that Canadian officials knew he couldn't be deported to Canada because he couldn't be arrested [here]," Mr. Waldman said.

A six-page foreign affairs briefing note prepared for Mr. De Bané before his mission to Damascus in 2003 is entirely blacked out in government-redacted documents made public by the inquiry.


Jun 1, 2005

How Mark Felt Became 'Deep Throat'

As a Friendship -- and the Watergate Story -- Developed, Source's Motives Remained a Mystery to Woodward

By Bob Woodward
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 2, 2005; Page A01

In 1970, when I was serving as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and assigned to Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, the chief of naval operations, I sometimes acted as a courier, taking documents to the White House.

One evening I was dispatched with a package to the lower level of the West Wing of the White House, where there was a little waiting area near the Situation Room. It could be a long wait for the right person to come out and sign for the material, sometimes an hour or more, and after I had been waiting for a while a tall man with perfectly combed gray hair came in and sat down near me. His suit was dark, his shirt white and his necktie subdued. He was probably 25 to 30 years older than I and was carrying what looked like a file case or briefcase. He was very distinguished-looking and had a studied air of confidence, the posture and calm of someone used to giving orders and having them obeyed instantly."


Doctor Charged/Imprisoned By Criminal FBI Investigators

Once again, we have a case of overzealous LEO's ruining the lives of decent Americans. They appear to do this for no other reason than career advancement.

You will notice that contained on the link to the rest of the information (below), that two other nations are doing the same thing to their doctors....China and Cuba. This is not by chance. Cuba and China are also two countries among several other extremist nations (Iran, Sudan etc.) that violate human rights on a regular basis according to every human rights watch organization in existence.

I encourage people to write the university in question, as well as the leaders of their countries to explain that you are unhappy with US government actions in this and other matters, and that you would support a boycott or some other form of sanction against the university or the country as a whole.

Thomas Butler, Physician- Scientist, prisoner

The paragraphs below are the abstract and edited summary of an article in Clinical Infectious Diseases 2005; 40:1644-8, entitled 'Destroying the Life and career a Valued Physician-Scientist Who Tried to Protect Us From Plague: Was It Really Necessary?'

Thomas Campbell Butler, at 63 years of age, is completing the 1st year of a 2-year sentence in federal prison, following an investigation and trial that was initiated after he voluntarily reported that he believed vials containing _Yersinia pestis_ were missing from his laboratory at Texas Tech University. We take this opportunity to remind the infectious diseases community of the plight of our esteemed colleague, whose career and family have, as a result of his efforts to protect us from infection by this organism, paid a price from which they will never recover.

Dr. Thomas C. Butler has had a long and successful career that has focused on problems and illnesses of underprivileged persons, including those in the developing world and indigent patients in this country. His curriculum vitae lists 170 published peer-reviewed articles, reviews, and chapters, with his most important contributions being made in the areas of diarrheal diseases, typhoid fever, plague, and relapsing fever, as well as investigations of therapeutic modalities for other infectious diseases. His work in the late 1960s on oral rehydration therapy in Dhaka and Calcutta, India, resulted in one of the earliest articles describing the important clinical applications of basic physiologic studies of patients with cholera and led to the 1st use of oral rehydration solution in a refugee camp in Calcutta in 1971."

May 31, 2005

Washington Post Confirms Felt Was 'Deep Throat'

We can only hope that the raising of the subject of whether a government employee's (or anyone for that matter) duty is to the president first or rather to the country, will compell someone whithin the Bush admin. to come forward with the cancer to the nation that is represented by the neocons.

Washington Post Confirms Felt Was 'Deep Throat
Woodward, Bernstein and Bradlee Reveal Former FBI Official as Secret Watergate Source

By William Branigin and David Von Drehle
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, May 31, 2005; 6:33 PM

The Washington Post today confirmed that W. Mark Felt, a former number-two official at the FBI, was 'Deep Throat,' the secretive source who provided information that helped unravel the Watergate scandal in the early 1970s and contributed to the resignation of president Richard M. Nixon.

The confirmation came from Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, the two Washington Post reporters who broke the Watergate story, and their former top editor, Benjamin C. Bradlee. The three spoke after Felt's family and Vanity Fair magazine identified the 91-year-old Felt, now a retiree in California, as the long-anonymous source who provided crucial guidance for some of the newspaper's groundbreaking Watergate stories."

May 29, 2005

Larry DiRita's Disgraceful Deception

Larry DiRita's Disgraceful Deception

Maybe it's not all Newsweek's fault after all. Yesterday, the administration admitted 'that U.S. troops mishandled Qurans of Muslim prisoners five times at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.' According to military officials, one soldier responsible for an incident of Quran mistreatment was subject to 'unspecified disciplinary action ... some time ago.' The admission comes just days after Pentagon spokesman Larry DiRita not only denied that Qurans were mishandled but denied that there were any credible allegations to investigate. On May 17, DiRita said, 'when a specific, credible allegation of this nature were to be received, we would take it quite seriously. But we've not seen specific, credible allegations.' We know now that DiRita's statement was completely false. Not only have there been credible allegations, but those allegations were substantiated and an individual was punished."
