Mar 15, 2008

Mounties Taser Disabled B.C. Man

"Video shows Last Updated: Monday, March 10, 2008 | 10:52 PM ET Comments20Recommended26The Canadian Press A video of a disabled man being jolted by a Taser inside the RCMP detachment in Kamloops, B.C., was released Monday, weeks after the man's death in an unrelated incident."

Mar 11, 2008

Temperament, Personality, and Brain Function

Arch Gen Psychiatry --Abstract: Influence of RGS2 on Anxiety-Related Temperament, Personality, and Brain Function, March 2008, Smoller et al. 65 (3): 298: "Conclusions These results provide the first evidence that a gene that influences anxiety in mice is associated with intermediate phenotypes for human anxiety disorders across multiple levels of assessment, including childhood temperament, adult personality, and brain function. This translational research suggests that some genetic influences on anxiety are evolutionarily conserved and that pharmacologic modulation of RGS2 function may provide a novel therapeutic approach for anxiety disorders." \e Research that helps to establish my ideas on the development of the right-wing throughout recorded history despite their rather obvious pathological effect on hopes that man remains a successful species re: extinction. The neolithic revolution was likely the only development known to science that could account for a species-wide social disorder of the magnitude shown by the widespread and complete distribution of the "right-wing personality disorder" (non-empathic, selfishness, elitist, paranoid, militant, lack of social depth with little to no understanding of motivating factors not already part of their own personality, will give equal weight to facts and opinions that do not create logical disharmony with preconceptions on the nature of "reality")

Feith, Fascism and Horowitz:

Feith, Fascism and Horowitz: And the ludicrous attempt of Horowitz, Spencer and Limbaugh to consign fascism to the left of the political spectrum. I wonder if Jabotinsky would be as accepting of our deluded ditto-heads attempt to "smear" his beloved right-wing beliefs by assigning them to the left in an attempt to "disown" the very ideological ground that Zionism is grounded in?


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <a href="">Right Web | Profile | Douglas Feith</a>: "Before he immigrated to the United States during World War II, Dalck Feith was a militant member of Betar, a Zionist youth movement founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, an admirer of Mussolini. Betar, whose members wore dark brown uniforms and spouted militaristic slogans modeled after other fascistic movements, was associated with the Revisionist Movement, which evolved in Poland to become the Herut Party, which later became the Likud Party.Before he immigrated to the United States during World War II, Dalck Feith was a militant member of Betar, a Zionist youth movement founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, an admirer of Mussolini. Betar, whose members wore dark brown uniforms and spouted militaristic slogans modeled after other fascistic movements, was associated with the Revisionist Movement, which evolved in Poland to become the Herut Party, which later became the Likud Party."

US think-tanks give lessons in foreign policy

An article that appeared in the UK's Guardian 6 years ago but still hasn't been revealed by the American media to whom the information is the most precious. I can only hope that the reaction to the revelations of The Iraq War will be much more severe than that faced by the right that lied to American's during the Vietnam debacle. This time the only benefactor has been the group promotoing Iraq"s invasion the most --- the Israeli traitors within the US political elite. Since there is no concievable gain to the US by fighting Israeli wars, their treason is much clearer than the percieved communist threat during Vietnam. For that reason, hopefully the reaction will be swift and severe against the media agents that were instrumental in the conspiracy to sell Israel's war to keep the Occupied Territories to the US citizens as being a war that was actually a threat to US interests on a scale that was more urgent and more pressing than when thousands of nuclear warheads were pointed at each US city by the Soviet Bloc armies! The effort to convince Americans that they must fight Arabs using torture and denial of habeas, secret prisons, Geneva violations and much more despite none of these methods even being briefly considered as being neccesary to win the Cold War, is a key factor in perpetration of a deception by Likudniks in American government, and this lie is one that more than meets the requirements neccesary to see that they are taken out and shot as the traitors to US interests that they modst certainly are. US thinktanks give lessons in foreign policy | World news |