Feb 26, 2005

Helen Thomas - $9B Goes Missing In Iraq

$9B Goes Missing In Iraq
Huge Sum Disappears Without A Trace
Helen Thomas, Hearst White House columnist

POSTED: 12:41 pm EST February 24, 2005

Profiteering from the Iraq war is not a surprise, especially in light of the Bush administration's pandering to the military-industrial complex.

But some Democratic lawmakers are concerned that profiteering may have achieved stratospheric dimensions in the case of the $9 billion that is missing from the sale of Iraqi oil. This money was to have been used for humanitarian aid and reconstruction for Iraq.

It seems no one is watching the store. The fund was transferred to Iraqi government ministries, which lacked the proper financial controls, security and staff to keep close tabs on the money flow.

Nevertheless, the Democrats would like to prod the Bush administration to show its concern over the loss. You can do a lot with $9 billion, but it's only a drop in the bucket in terms of spending in Iraq. The war there is costing the United States more than $50 billion a year."


Dead! Dead! Dead!

: "The recent public focus on Talon News, while much of it malicious, has indeed brought some constructive elements to the surface. It has also brought many kind messages of support, and for that we are extremely grateful.

In order to better serve those readers across the country who enjoy Talon News content and look forward to receiving it each day, we feel compelled to reevaluate operations in order to provide the highest quality, most professional product possible.

Thus, Talon News will be offline while we redesign the web site, perform a top-to-bottom review of staff and volunteer contributors, and address future operational procedures.

We look forward to bringing an even better product to our readers in the future."

"Hey Anne! Over Here! (Zzzziipp)

"Hey Anne! Over Here! (Zzzziipp) I have it on the authority of none other than the Mighty Rush himself, that the infant in question was the illegitimate love-child of Jeff Gannon-Guckert. The implications of such are clear. If such a child has come into existence, that would mean that Big Jeff is not homosexual, a circumstance that strongly implies that the whole Gannon-Gate scandal is nothing more than a liberal-media generated lie! Now surely miss Coulter, this accounting of the events sounds much more reasonable...much more to your liking than the version that has a HOMO running loose in your White House? And of course, whatever sounds best is indeed the fact because... after all...yours is the party that creates reality, right? So, uh...Anne? Gary Williams

Bush ate a baby....by Ann Coulter

"Oh Baby"
by Ann Coulter

Well can you believe the latest tizzy the left has gotten itself into since it was discovered recently, that the President was discovered to have allegedly feasted on the flesh of an infant?
The liberal press has attempted once again to create a firestorm of controversy by taking facts out of context and twisting the story to suit it's own devious purposes.
All of this comes as no surprise, but it is still hard to stomach the manufactured outrage coming from a democrat party that we all know has no love lost between itself and infants.
These advocates of on-demand abortion and second chance contraception have suddenly, in light of recent events, decided that miraculously, they now wish to (gasp) defend children from those who would wish to dine on their tender young carcasses. Where were they when the battle over the Lacy Peterson law (making the willful destruction of a fetus equal to the crime of murder) was being fought in the trenches? I'll tell you where they were. Right smack dab in the center of the pity pot, as the federal courts decided that democrats would finally be forced to remove thier filthy child-murdering hands from the the money pot of abortion clinics and womens health advocate groups that council women to murder their babies. Make no mistake, they are hypocrites, one and all.
It is amazing how indignant the left has now become, now that they have realized what a political windfall they can reap from this overblown, overhyped controversy.

Continued..... "

Feb 24, 2005

The Franklin Coverup Scandal The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse

The Franklin Coverup Scandal The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse

: "This was the biggest scandal in the history of the U.S.A history. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it.

Former republican Senator John Decamp was involved in the production a documentary called 'Conspiracy of Silence' it was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired.

Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed. A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired F.B.I. chief, Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved. You can purchase a VHS copy at this link. Or you can view an online copy at this page. Franklin Cover up video page

Boy prostitutes 15 years old (and younger) were taking midnight tours of the Whitehouse. There are 19 more Washington Times articles in full text about this case available here at this link

The Washington Times, Pg. A3 July 26, 1989 Headline: Secret Service furloughs third White House guard"


Gannongate threatens to expose a huge GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring

Gannongate threatens to expose a huge GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring

By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

February 18, 2005—Now that is has been discovered that "Jeff Gannon" (real name James D. Guckert), a "reporter" for Talon News Service, a front operation run by the conservative Republican-oriented GOPUSA.com, was using an alias as a cleared White House reporter, details are emerging that threaten to immerse the Bush administration in a major scandal.

"Gannongate," which is only now being mentioned by the mainstream news media, threatens to expose a potentially damaging GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring dating back to the 1980s and the administration of George H. W. Bush. James D. Guckert, using the name Jeff Gannon and possibly other aliases, was also running gay porn sites, one with a U.S. Marine Corps theme that solicited males for prostitution.

White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said he did not realize Gannon was using an alias until recently. However, rumors in the gay community are circulating about McClellan frequenting gay bars in Austin, Texas.


Gannongate threatens to expose a huge GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring

Gannongate threatens to expose a huge GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring

By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

February 18, 2005—Now that is has been discovered that "Jeff Gannon" (real name James D. Guckert), a "reporter" for Talon News Service, a front operation run by the conservative Republican-oriented GOPUSA.com, was using an alias as a cleared White House reporter, details are emerging that threaten to immerse the Bush administration in a major scandal.

"Gannongate," which is only now being mentioned by the mainstream news media, threatens to expose a potentially damaging GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring dating back to the 1980s and the administration of George H. W. Bush. James D. Guckert, using the name Jeff Gannon and possibly other aliases, was also running gay porn sites, one with a U.S. Marine Corps theme that solicited males for prostitution.

White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said he did not realize Gannon was using an alias until recently. However, rumors in the gay community are circulating about McClellan frequenting gay bars in Austin, Texas.


Bill Would Protect Fetuses Carrying the 'Gay Gene

And you thought it would never come to this?


New Maine House Bill Would Protect Fetuses Carrying the 'Gay Gene'
Feb 22, 2005, 19:02


AUGUSTA -� Rep. Brian Duprey (R-Hampden) has submitted a bill to the State Legislature to shield potentially homosexual fetuses from discrimination. LD 908, "An Act to Protect Homosexuals from Discrimination," attempts to protect homosexuals from death because they might carry the gene that could lead to homosexuality.

Duprey received the idea for this bill when listening to the Rush Limbaugh radio show. "I heard Rush saying that the day the 'gay gene' is determined to be real, that overnight gays would become pro-life," Duprey said.

"I have heard from women who told me that if they found out that they were carrying a child with the gay gene, then they would abort."


Feb 22, 2005

Oh, puhleeze...

As a Canadian who has more than a passing familiarity with all the gossip that having a monarchy as part of our heritage entails, it's my "expert" opinion that the story is nothing more than that----gossip. Fleet Street at it's finest.

To tell the truth, I'm a little surprised the story made it as far as this list, or at least as nothing more than the novelty piece that it surely is. As a factual story, it doesn't sound right at any number of levels, the least of which is that Georgie Boy desperately needs friends at the moment, and to snub the entire Commonwealth over the *scandal of divorce* is simply ludicrous. The White House has entertained more dictators than the Reichstag, and yet somehow a divorce is the end of the moral rope? C'mon....

Caitlin Burke wrote:
> Alexander Hellemans wrote:

> >>Well, to the British (and most other people)[...]

> > > "What's the story" also means "what, exactly, is really going on here > behind the scenes?" So I'm asking: Is this really a "policy"? How was > it communicated to the people who will be affected by it? I haven't > seen it reported in quite the same way in any US media, and I thought > there were still a few outlets left here who would have the humane > response to it.

> > It's obvious to me what the content of the story is, of course. I just > find it so offensive that I'm startled by it. Then again, I'm not > sure why anything the White House does is surprising anymore.

> > > Caitlin
> www.marmoset.com

Feb 21, 2005

The Justice of Roosting Chickens: Ward Churchill Speaks

The Justice of Roosting Chickens: Ward Churchill Speaks

The Governor of Colorado has called for his 'termination.' Fox's Bill O'Reilly has attacked him consistently for weeks. He says he won't apologize and he won't back down. We speak with Ward Churchill, the professor at the center of the controversy over free speech and academic freedom on college campuses."

RUSH TRANSCRIPT AMY GOODMAN: Governor Owens made the same call on the O'Reilly Factor.

BILL O’REILLY: This is such an embarrassment for your state, which is a changing state, but it's a traditional state, and this guy's embarrassed Colorado from Trinidad up to Greeley.


BILL O’REILLY: And over to, you know, Steamboat Springs. Everybody is --

GOVERNOR BILL OWENS: You have been here.

BILL O’REILLY: Yeah. They're like appalled.

GOVERNOR BILL OWENS: It is embarrassing.

BILL O’REILLY: How could this happen?

GOVERNOR BILL OWENS: And that's why we're trying to deal with it. Now obviously you know tenure laws and you know the First Amendment and we respect the law and we respect the First Amendment, so we're trying to address this, and the Regents are, by going through that Rule-of-Law process to make sure that when they make the decision, and I'm hoping it's to terminate him, that they can have it withstand court scrutiny.

BILL O’REILLY: Do you think?

GOVERNOR BILL OWENS: I mean, how far have we gone in this country that you're able to call for more murder, call for more 9/11s, say that the United States should cease to exist and that we sit around and we're going to have to spend probably several years going through a process to -- so that this guy can't speak as a professor of the University of Colorado.

BILL O’REILLY: And he's also making a $100,000, or close to it.


BILL O’REILLY: Of taxpayer money. One more thing. I have, or, I'm revising my opinion based upon this new information that he thinks more 9/11s are necessary, but last week I said, look, don't fire him, because the message it sends to the enemies is, we oppress people we disagree with. Our country is strong enough to put up with even him, but now he seems to have gone over another line. You know, if he is calling for the murder of American citizen, you simply can't have him.

AMY GOODMAN: That was Bill O'Reilly and Colorado Governor Bill Owens on The O'Reilly Factor, February 7th. That same week, the University of Colorado Board of Regents voted to review all of Churchill's speeches and writings in order to determine whether there's cause for his dismissal. And two days before Churchill was scheduled to speak, Hamilton College withdrew the invitation citing security concerns. Interestingly, the panel that Hamilton had originally asked Professor Churchill to be on was titled, "The limits of dissent." We turn now to Professor Ward Churchill, joining us from Boulder, Colorado. Welcome to Democracy Now!



Propaganda of US Military through our Schools

Why Go to College, When You Can be Cannon Fodder?

Do You Know What Your Kids Are Watching on 'Educational' TV at School?

By Dr. Teresa Whitehurst"

I learned something new yesterday. Channel One News, the "educational" TV show that my daughter Isa and millions of other American kids watch every morning at school, is busy recruiting our teenagers into the military.

"Mom, they're really aiming at the black kids, and the Hispanic kids too. I'm so sick of seeing those military ads everyday. "The Power of One", and all that lots of my friends are falling for it!"

This is especially upsetting to Isa because several of her black friends, 18, 19 and 20 years old, have been shipped to Iraq. Some were promised they wouldn't have to be in combat, but would be doing "mechanical work", "communications", or "wiring".

It seems doubtful that, when push comes to shove, kids who've been promised such jobs will be allowed to avoid combat. One of her friends has already been shot "in an embarrassing place"; he's being treated overseas instead of the US so that he can be sent quickly back into combat in Iraq. Mr. Bush's military needs warm bodies, able or not.

I stopped the car and asked, "Wait a minute. What do you mean when you say you're "seeing those military ads every day"?"

"We have to watch this short thing every morning in homeroom called "Channel One News"," Isa explained with a weary tone. "It's educational, supposedly. You know, the day's news, so we'll be up on current events. But in between the stories, there are more and more ads for the Army and the Marines."


Propaganda of US Military through our Schools

Propaganda of US Military through our Schools



The US Military has turned itself into the greatest tool of the US Weapons Industry, the largest and most lucrative business enterprise in the world. For this deadly business to remain successful, there must be struggles and wars continuously waged for the rest of this century. Its hand-picked politicians in the US government, while they speak of peace they promote war, while they speak of love and respect they promote hatred and disrespect, and while they advocate family unity and stress the sanctity of marriage, they do anything to disintegrate this unity and tarnish this sanctity of marriage both in this nation and overseas through threats, deliberate inflicted pain and death.

Saying One thing and Doing Another

Moreover, these political tools of the US Weapons Industry, while they speak of the sanctity of life before birth, they literally reveal no respect for life at all after birth, while they speak of the rights Americans have for a good health care system and good education for all Americans, they take money away from these two vital elements to pass them to the manufacture and sales of more and more weapons, while they profess faith in the God of love and mercy that Jesus preahced in the New Testament, they follow the inspiration of the God of hatred and revenge -- the eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth -- that Jesus condemned in the Old Testament. "


Feb 20, 2005

Steve Colbert's "Ted Hitler"

From Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" segment on Bloggers

JON: With more on the role of blogger's in today's media, I'm joined by Daily Show senior media correspondent, Stephen Colbert.

STEPHEN: Jon, before we begin, I'd like to get something off my chest, before I get 'outed' by the bloggers.

My real name isn't Stephen Colbert. It's Ted Hitler. No relation. Well, distant relation, two generations back. Directly. I'm Adolf Hitler's grandson. Anyways, it's out there. It's no longer news.

JON: Uh, uh, wow. First of all, thank you for your honesty, Stephen...

STEPHEN: It's Ted. It's Ted Hitler.

JON: Ted, you're sort of 'old media,' you're an old media reporter. What are your thoughts on, in your mind, the role of these new media figures?

STEPHEN: Jon, the vast majority of bloggers out there are responsible correspondents doing fine work in niche reporting fields like Gilmore Girl fan fiction, or cute things their cats do or photoshopped images of the Gilmore Girls as cats. That's great. Where I draw the line is with these 'attack bloggers,' just someone with a computer who gathers, collates and publishes accurate information that is then read by the general public. They have no credibility. All they have is facts. Spare me...

JON: But, Stephen, I mean, to be perfectly...

STEPHEN: Okay, I put myself through school as a Columbian drug mule. I put heroin in condoms and I smuggled them into the country in my colon. Okay? Fine. Post away, atrios.blogspot.com

JON: Um -- getting back to the story, Stephen, the medium of the internet may be new but what bloggers do, as you just described it, is really in many respects what journalists do.

STEPHEN: 'What journalists do', Jon? As a journalist, I think I know what I do. I'm not sitting at home in front of my computer. I'm out there busting my hump every day at the White House, transcribing their press releases, repeating their talking points. That's how you earn your nickname from President Bush. And when he stands at the podium, points at me and says 'You, Chowderneck - question?' Everyone knows its me. Ted Hitler.

JON: But as long -- as long as the blogs fact-check, as long as these bloggers check their facts, why would you even object to this kind of political coverage?

STEPHEN: Because it's not political coverage, Jon. They're reporting on the reporters. The first rule of journalism is 'Don't talk about journalism'. Or maybe that's Fight Club, but my point is this. These guys need to learn: you don't report on reporters. Nobody likes a snitch! If they've got to report on something, why don't they take some of that youthful moxie of theirs and investigate this administration. Somebody ought to! You would not believe the things they're getting away with!

JON: But Stephen...

STEPHEN: Fine, Jon. Three years ago I killed a panda. Ling-Ling! Or the other one. I can't tell them apart. In my own defense, in my own defense Jon, it was dark, I was drunk, and it was delicious. Sorry to ruin your scoop, Colbert_Killed_A_Panda.com

JON: Now Stephen, like it or not, these bloggers have already gained a certain legitimacy.

STEPHEN: Yes, Jon, and therein lies our only hope. For with legitimacy, the bloggers will gain a seat at the table, and with that comes access, status, money, power. And if we've learned anything about the mainstream media, that breeds complacency.

Or, whatever."