May 23, 2005

Fallujah Atrocity On Tape

Eyewitness in Iraq: Dahr Jamail, an Unembedded Report

Dahr Jamail, American independent journalist, has an important story to tell. Recognizing that Americans were being fed a sanitized, propagandistic view of the US occupation of Iraq, he went to Iraq to find the truth. This is his report. After being unembedded in Iraq totaling over 8 months, he returned to the States to tell what he discovered. In this video, created in Seattle by PepperSpray Productions after his most recent return from Baghdad, Dahr Jamail speaks of the horrors of occupation; the use of illegal weapons by American forces; the rip-off of American taxpayers by Bechtel and other US corporations; the shabby coverage of the whole situation by US lapdog media, and of the resilient determination of the Iraqi people to be free from foreign occupation.

A portion of the price of this video goes to support Dahr in his ongoing efforts.

Learn more about Dahr Jamail and Iraq at "

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