Sep 1, 2007


I have been trying to tell a certain Alternet journalist that "Rearming America's Defenses", the PNAC Guide to American Foreign Policy Post 9/11, that was somehow written long before 9/11 and yet has been followed almost to the letter ever since, is not the work of "just another think-tank, no more important than the dozens of others that come and go in Washington".(his words!) Yes, despite other fascinating facts such as how the 9/11 event was eerily foretold, described as being the kind of event that was going to be required to change public opinion from that of one expecting a "peace dividend" in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, how that money was being earmarked as coming out of the military budget. Tell him how this was considered a disaster as far as the arms (aerospace) industry and the prominent Likud-niks you reference, and who saw the military-strategic position Israel had long enjoyed evaporating before their eyes. Tell him that there was little they could do about it in 92-93 when Cheney and Wolfowitz set their ideas to paper, and in a last ditch attempt to save themselves from obscurity aligned themselves with media insiders Kristol and Kagan, form PNAC, and Lo and Behold, hire the rest of the the PNAC wholesale immediately upon Bush's inauguration. Tell him how Cheney's election of himself as VP, the hiring of Rumsfeld, Libby, Wolfowitz, Podhoertz, Armitage, Perle, Feith, etc., etc, was not a mere coincidence....that in fact PNAC = Neocon, and that this is the group whose influence on American policy is possibly greater than that of Congress, the Senate, and The Supreme Court combined. I fear young Holland has offhandedly equated PNAC with a the dozens of other silly 9/11 conspiracy theories that cannot withstand a second of critical analysis. This is not one of them of course. Please help advance his career by dropping him a line...perhaps a note coming from a source with a higher profile (thus to his sort, more credibility) than myself.... a person who remains unknown, yet who does indeed possess the skill you speak of earlier in the article when discussing the ability to pick and choose those media stories that have substance. Thank you. You do the world a great favor with this

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