Feb 24, 2005

Bill Would Protect Fetuses Carrying the 'Gay Gene

And you thought it would never come to this?


New Maine House Bill Would Protect Fetuses Carrying the 'Gay Gene'
Feb 22, 2005, 19:02


AUGUSTA -� Rep. Brian Duprey (R-Hampden) has submitted a bill to the State Legislature to shield potentially homosexual fetuses from discrimination. LD 908, "An Act to Protect Homosexuals from Discrimination," attempts to protect homosexuals from death because they might carry the gene that could lead to homosexuality.

Duprey received the idea for this bill when listening to the Rush Limbaugh radio show. "I heard Rush saying that the day the 'gay gene' is determined to be real, that overnight gays would become pro-life," Duprey said.

"I have heard from women who told me that if they found out that they were carrying a child with the gay gene, then they would abort."


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