Jul 17, 2005

Bush aide 'is source of CIA leak'

And you know, I've been thinking that Fitz , even if for a technically sound legal reason, would be hard pressed to let Rove off the hook without something happening. It sedems to me that perhaps the hopes of the left, the hopes of the rational , the goals of the reasonable have been dashed too many times by this president and his cadre of crooks. I feel that if Karl Rove is allowed to walk free without a damn thing happeningto him will be the straw that broke the camels back. I see that finally, their is almost a giddiness in the air of those of us who have been watching crime after obvious, blatant crime go, not only unp[unished, but rewarded. There's a sense of hope that is being enjoyed by us now that has been enjoyed only by these creeps for far, far too long now. To pull the rug out from under us all..... at this point once again....I think will finally just be too godamn much! There may well be a violent reaction to such a scenario.


"Bush aide 'is source of CIA leak'

A US journalist says presidential aide Karl Rove was the first to tell him that the wife of a prominent administration critic was a CIA agent.

Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper said Mr Rove did not disclose Valerie Plame's name, but said the wife of a government critic worked for the CIA.

Mr Rove has denied being behind the leaking of her identity to the media.

A federal prosecutor is investigating whether any officials broke the law by revealing the name of a covert agent.

Weapons claim

Newspaper columnist Robert Novak first publicly revealed that Ms Plame was a covert CIA agent in July 2003, citing two administration officials.

That was shortly after Mr Wilson wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times in which he accused President George W Bush's administration of twisting intelligence on Iraq.

  • Was it through my conversation with Rove that I learned for the first time that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA and may have been responsible for sending him? Yes.


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